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Legion Charter

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 Extract from 501st Legion Charter

Article IX: Merchandise and Branding

  1. The 501st Legion is a club based on a copyrighted property and is not authorized to profit from the sales of merchandise bearing images or ideas from the STAR WARS property.
  2. Merchandise or materials created to promote or advertise the 501st Legion (referred to herein as "merchandise") will be sold only to members of the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion and at cost.
    Merchandise is not to be sold to the general public unless authorized and be approved by Legion Command and Lucasfilm Ltd. All merchandise must meet Legion guidelines and approved by the Legion prior to production. Merchandise not abiding by these guidelines will be considered unauthorized and its sale shall be forbidden to members of the 501st Legion. Producing or distributing unauthorized merchandise may be subject to disciplinary action by the Legion.
  3. Any items bearing the words "501st Legion", "Fighting 501st", "Vader's Fist", the 501st Logo, URLs, or those of any sub-units of the Legion, or any other term or image that can be reasonably identified with the Legion or its sub-units are considered representative of the 501st Legion. Proposals for such items are to be reviewed by the office of the Legion Merchandising and Branding Officer, and approval must be granted by the LMBO prior to production.
  4. The Legion does not endorse or manage the creation or sale of props, costumes, or costume parts or materials by anyone for sale to others. The Legion will not intervene in private sales or transactions of non-Legion merchandise or products. Legion rules do not extend to any disputes related to these matters.

Last Updated on Friday, 01 April 2016 13:09  

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